F2F Class Notes 19th December (Tony)


You have to need a teacher – You’ve gotta have

I’m nearsighted 


shortsighted – not considering what will or might happen in the future

eg: “His shortsighted plan ruined the company.”




How to use a comma:         ,

  1. Use a comma to separate thoughts in a sentence. Could be one sentence on it’s own. Eg: “I choose Smart English, because all teachers are good.”
  2. Use it to pause from the sentence to explain or describe something in detail. Eg: “My English teacher is one handsome guy.”  “My English teacher, Tony, is one handsome guy.” “The Chinese noodles,Huangyu ,are delicious food.”
  3. Use it to make a list of related things. Eg: “I went to the store and bought eggs, milk, bread, cheese and chocolate.”      (1,2,3,4  and 5 No comma before the last item in a list.)
  4. Example: Because the river had flooded, the school closed for the week.

    The introductory element, or subordinating clause is “because the river had flooded.” It is introduced with the subordinating conjunction “because.”

    Example: The school closed for the week because the river had flooded.

How to use a semicolon:         ;

  1. Used to separate two independent clauses.Example: The students reviewed for the exam; the teacher corrected the papers.

    Example: The candidates spoke to the crowds during Election Day; each candidate spoke passionately about the fate of the country.

Original –

Recently, a friend of my has gotten a bad sick which is pneumonia. The reason that she gets sick is because she goes to jogging in heavy air-pollution without any protection. Keeping health is a good idea, but jogging in heavy smog will cause terrible sick because the smog includes a lot of harmful elements; it not only has a plenty of dust, but also has a large of bacteria. In that case, we shouldn’t stay outside for a long time and we shouldn’t do exercise as possible as we can. If we have to go outside, we should take a mask to isolate the smog into our body with breath


Recently, a friend of mine got pneumonia and she was really sick. The reason that she gets sick is because she goes jogging in heavy air-pollution without any protection. Staying healthy is necessary, but jogging in heavy smog will cause terrible problems. Because smog includes a lot of harmful elements; it not only has plenty of dust, but also has a large amount of bacteria. In that case, we shouldn’t stay outside for a long time and we shouldn’t exercise as much as possible. If we have to go outside, we should wear a mask to keep from breathing too much smog.

Dogs will sometimes just eat until they are sick. So we only give them enough food to keep them from getting sick.


Got badly injured. (Adverb can be used after verb)

Don’t use TO before an -ing verb. Go to shopping

Run-on sentence – means the sentence is too long with too many subjects and verbs, has become confusing.

Usually Don’t use ADJ + of


pneumonia – Ne Mohn ya

jogging – jah Ging