F2F Class Notes 19th August (Raph)

Current (adj): 1- belonging to the present time; happening or being used or done now.
E.g.: My current boss is more demanding than my previous boss.

Correct (adj): 1- right, with no mistakes.
E.g.: She gave me the correct answer.

Attempt (n): an effort to achieve or complete a difficult task or action.
E.g.: She managed to do it successfully on the first attempt.

Original Story:
My girl was sick last month. We brought her to the hospital for help. The doctor said she need to get an IV and the nurse came to inject the needle but fail. They tried forth time and finally success. My girl was brave to insist to the last. I was proud of her. Then the next day I brought her to another hospital. The bigger hospital had a better nurse, so they inject the needle successful at first time. Now my girl is getting better than before. I’m happy with this.

Edited Story:
My daughter was sick last month, so we took her to the hospital for help. The doctor said she needed to get an IV and the nurse came to inject the needle, but failed. They only succeeded at the fourth attempt. My girl was brave and I was proud of her. The next day I took her to a bigger hospital, which had a better nurse, so they injected the needle successfully at the first attempt. Now my girl is getting better and I’m happy.