F2F Class Notes 19th April (Raph)
Secular (adj): 1- not having any connection with religion.
E.g.: We live in an increasingly secular society, in which religion has less and less influence on our daily lives.
Slum (n): 1- a very poor and crowded area, especially of a city.
E.g.: She was brought up in the slums of Lima.
Euthanasia (n): 1- the act of killing someone who is very ill or very old so that they do not suffer any more:
E.g.: Although some people campaign for the right to euthanasia, it is still illegal in most countries.
Leadership: /ˈliː.dɚ.ʃɪp/
Politician: /ˌpɑː.ləˈtɪʃ.ən/
Brexit: /ˈbrek.sɪt/
Campaign: /kæmˈpeɪn/
Pledge: /pledʒ/
Secretary: /ˈsek.rə.ter.i/
Euthanasia: /ˌjuː.θəˈneɪ.ʒə/
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