F2F Class Notes 18th October (Lina)

I don’t have any chance of promoting –  I don’t have any chance of getting promoted at my current job..

We will not be promoting anyone this year

Its relax for me Its relaxing for me

                             I feel relaxed coming to class

                             In my free time I like to relax at home

I got an interview from Gucci –  I got an interview for Gucci

                                                          After my interview with Gucci I haven’t heard back from them

Disheartening – de-motivating, saddening, (frustrating), depressing

Repeatedly being turned down for jobs can be really disheartening

I like beach and there is not much people in there –  I like the beach and there are not a lot of people there

We have private beach of the hotel and its really relaxWe had a private beach at the hotel and it was really relaxing


Pigeon’s vs penguins

Pigeons are dirty birds that lives in cities..

When you go to the South Pole (Antarctica) you will be able to see penguins

Antarctica – the name of the South Pole

Fascinated – interested, attracted too, amazed by something..

I am really fascinated by Antarctica because of the overwhelming scenery 

Expat (expatriate) – foreigner, foreigners coming to work in China and elsewhere are called expatriates