F2F Class Notes 18th October (Celeste)

Golden Rule: Due unto others as you would have them do unto you.

by law – according to the government / required by law

hourly pay – paid by the hour

heavy / large / massive / big workload

lucrative ( loo – kruh – tiv ) adj. – profitable; moneymaking

ambitious ( am – bi – shis )

I didn’t go there.  – I haven’t been/gone there.

He drove off. – He drove away. / He left.

You can turn right as long as it is clear. – You can turn as long as there are no cars, bikes, people in the way.

DOT – department of transportation

crossroads = intersections

compared to vs. compared with

surveillance n. – continuous observation of a place, person, group,or ongoing activity in order to gather information

trunk (back of a car) vs. truck (big vehicle) ***focus on pronunciation