F2F Class Notes 18th May (Celeste) [1]

1: Vocabulary: last story retell, free talk new topic + new vocabulary

Next class: make a new story with the new vocabulary.

Free talk:

When I work on the island the time I spend to go there is more than one hour and fifteen minutes by car.

When I work in the city I usually spend 40 minutes by subway.

When I work on the island, first I need to go to the company/office in Huangpu District. Then, I go to the island by car from my office.  From when I leave my apartment I spend almost 2 hours to go to the island. So When I work on the island I need to get up earlier.

Use these words:

play on my/the, versus, against, morning, late, afraid, boring, bored, packed like sardines in a tin can

play a game called plants vs. zombies on my phone

vs = versus ( ver siz ) = against

eg. I play plants vs. zombies on my phone.

eg. I play plants versus zombies on my phone.

eg. I play a game where plants are against zombies on my phone.

against – fight on different teams/sides

eg. We are fighting against each other. = We are fighting each other.

eg. I am against you, I am not on your side.

If I am bored, sth is not interesting to me.

eg. Sherry is bored when she has class with Celeste because she is not interesting.

If sth/sb is not interesting, it is boring.

eg. Celeste’s class is boring because it is not interesting.

packed like sardines in a tin can.

eg. We are packed in the subway like sardines in a tin can.