F2F Class Notes 18th July (Jesse)

I am older than you

the room is better than before

later – wan yi dian / bi jiao wan

late – chi dao / wan
eg. 10 pm is late
eg2. today I will be late / Today I was late / Penny is late every day

I will go shopping
I will be happy
Today will be Tuesday

status – qing xing

eg. tomorrow will become Tuesday / tomorrow will be Tuesday / tomorrow is Tuesday

The day before yesterday < > The day after tomorrow (days)
The year before last < > The year after next (everything)

separate – fen kai

meet / met / met 

liquid = ye ti
solid = gu ti

Yesterday I went shopping with my friend and I bought some cosmetics and clothes. Today  I woke up at 9 o’clock, then brushed my teeth, washed my face and had breakfast. Next I took the bus went to my English school in xuhui district. When I arrived there at 11 past 20 and the Daniel class for me. I finished class at 12, my friend wait for me in the mall. Then I meet my friend we went to ate lunch. Finished lunch we went to zara for half an hour and tried on some clothes. When I was trying on some clothes she was look at me and saying “you look nice “, so I bought it. I have been shopping for 3 years. Then we went to Mac and tried on some cosmetics for 2 hours. I bought a liquid makeup and a eye shadow. My friend only bought a liquid makeup. Finally I took the 956 bus go home.

Yesterday I went shopping with my friend and I bought some cosmetics and clothes. Today I woke up at 9 o’clock, then brushed my teeth, washed my face and had breakfast. Next I took the bus then I went to my English school in xuhui district. When I arrived there at 20 past 11, Daniel was waiting for me to have class. My friend was waiting in the mall for me to finish class at 12. Then I met my friend and we went to eat lunch. After lunch, we went to zara for half an hour and tried on some clothes. When I was trying on some clothes, which I had been doing for half an hour, she was looking at me and saying “you look nice “, so I bought it. Then we went to Mac, which is a good cosmetics shop, and tried on some cosmetics for 2 hours. I bought some liquid makeup and some eye shadow. My friend only bought some liquid makeup. Finally I took the 956 bus to go home.

own ly – say “o” nly

20 = twen tee 

lunch – lun ch 

I took the ___ bus home.
I took the ___ bus to go home / to go to work

Penny arrived at 3pm. Jesse had been waiting for 20 minutes before that.
I have been playing guitar for 10 years, which is really interesting, so I can play very well.

I think my writing is better than my speaking and listening by a lot