F2F Class Notes 18th July (Harmony)***
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*** Re-read the article with the pronunciation, work on fluency while reading and make sure no extra words are added. Watch for pronunciation on I’ve/we’ve/it’s.
Reality (ree – al – ih – tee)
Figured (fig – yourd)
Brilliantly (brill – e – ant – lee)
trust (truhst)
refused (re – fewsd)
Surprising (sur – prize – ing)
Stomach (stum – ack)
Aisles (eye – el): a walkway through something. (like in the market between the shelves).
Eg. During the wedding, the bride walked down the aisle with her father.
Mundane (mun – daine): boring (adj.)
Eg. Monday’s are very mundane.
Infinitely: significantly, by a large amount
Eg. I am infinitely happier when I come to SE.
Separate (sepp – rit): not together (adj). too keep apart (verb)
Eg. The lovers separated.
adolescent (add – oh – less – sent): someone who is still maturing.
Eg. The adolescent boy was clumsy due to his growing body.
Eg. When I was an adolescent I thought I would be famous when I grew up./ I thought I could make my dream come true.
Adolescence (add – oh – less – scence): the age between puberty (12-13) and adulthood.
Eg. My little brother is going through adolescence.
Groceries: food, daily necessities that you buy at a market. (plural)
Eg. I have to go buy groceries.
Grocery store (grow – shur – ee): market.
Eg. We buy a lot of food from the grocery store.
Toxic (tahk – sick): deadly, poisonous.
Eg. Every Monday I will have a toxic attitude about work./ I will bring my toxic attitude to work.
Drain: to empty (usually of water).
Eg. Drain the water out of the sink.
Draining: the act of emptying. (draining of energy/tiring)
Eg. I spent the day with 5 year olds, it was really draining.
Dim/Dimming: to turn down the brightness.
Eg. Dim the lights, it makes it more romantic.
Drag/dragging/dragged: pulling along the ground, pulling down.
Eg. He dragged me out of the office.
Assure (ah – shure): to state with confidence.
Eg. When I stay with him or her, I’m feeling assured.
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