F2F Class Notes 18th January (Tony)

supplement V– to add something to make it complete or more.

eg: “A lot of students in China supplement their education with extracurricular courses.”

supplemental adj. – added to something to make it complete or have more of it

eg: “Could you locate some supplemental volunteers for the charity event, just in case we have a few no-shows.”

sustain – to be able to keep doing something

eg: “Can you sustain working two jobs?”  “I couldn’t sustain working 12 hours a day.”

content – you are ok with the way things are

eg: “I’m content with my work for now, but I’d like a promotion in the future.”

non-resident – a person who is not a legal resident of the area

eg: “Non-residents have a harder time finding a job in Shanghai.”


is that show? like show up?