F2F Class Notes 18th January (Tony)


it’s not too urgent

I’m in a rush

I need to rush over there

command a higher salary

experience with project managment

good enough for that role

(Idiom) get your foot in the door – to gain a little access to an organization

eg: “I have a lot of experience with talent development and project management, that got my foot in the door at my current company.”

Phrasal verbs  – are usually two-word phrases consisting of verb + adverb or verb + preposition.

eg: “Phrasal verbs are important to learn because they can help you understand the importance of prepositions and adverbs.”

eg: What’s up? – What is happening?

eg: Look out! – be careful

eg: Ask sb. out – invite someone for a romantic meeting (date)

eg: Ask around – ask some people to find the info you need

eg: Get by – to be ok with what you have. even if it’s not enough “We don’t have enough money to pay the rent, but I’m sure we will get by.” “We’ll get by without internet for the day.”


Write a sentence with each of the above phrasl verbs. Write 5 sentences.