F2F Class Notes 18th February (Tony)


U.K. – United Kingdom, Four Countries, England,  Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales

eg: “My company is from the U.K.” Is that company from the U.K.?”

British  – from the U.K., From England

eg: “Are you British?”

Translate – change from one language to another language

eg: “Can you help me translate this sentence?”

practice – lian xi, to try to do something so you get better at it.

eg: “I practice English sentences every single day.”

syllable – yin jie, how many sounds are in a word

eg: “How many syllables are in the word syllable?” “There are three syllables in the word syllable.” There are three syllables in the word computer.”

backpack – bag you wear on your back

eg: “I need to get my backpack.”

I work for a British Company

Career Mentor


Ask these four questions to your colleagues, and write down their answers.

Questions for your colleagues:

What does that mean?  That means….

Do you know how to say that in Chinese?

Whats is that called? That is called a mouse(for computers).

I don’t know that word, Can you translate that?


college – Ka lej

colleague – Kal leeg