F2F Class Notes 18th August (Raph)

Cramp (n): 1- painful involuntary contraction of a muscle or muscles, typically caused by fatigue or strain.
E.g.: Sam had a cramp on his leg.

Biceps (n): 1- a large muscle in the upper arm.
E.g.: Sam has been working hard to get more defined biceps.

Sore (adj): 1- (of a part of one’s body) painful or aching.
E.g.: His back felt really sore after the workout.

Sour (adj): 1- having an acid taste like lemon or vinegar. 2- 酸
E.g.: She tried the wine and found it was very sour.

Bitter (adj): 1- having a sharp, pungent taste or smell; not sweet. 2- 苦
E.g.: German beer tastes very bitter.

Cranberry (n): 1- a small red acid berry used in cooking. 2- 蔓越莓
E.g.: He likes to drink vodka with cranberry juice.

Generalize (v): 1- make a general or broad statement by inferring from specific cases.
E.g.: When talking about politics, it is important not to generalize or assume that everyone thinks the same just because they are from a certain country.


Vowels: A, E, I, O and U

Trilogy (Tree – lo – gee)