F2F Class Notes 18th April (Jesse)

My name is JiaNi, I’m 30 years old. I graduated from Tongji university in 2009, majoring in sociology. After graduation I worked in a non-profit organization which serviced white collar workers. I was responsible for all management duties of the NPO, bringing social resources, government affairs and other operational matters together. From 2014, I became a civil servant and I’m in charge of youth programs, NGOs, volunteers, social workers, and many other matters. My work experience with both government and non-profit has given me many skills including people management, organisational skills, and a strong work ethic. From my understanding, sustainable development is how to make people live in a more developed and well managed society which has access to clean water, air, enough food, energy, and work opportunities as well as the chance to live in a peaceful and safe world. I feel that this project will enhance my understanding of these areas and also my international vision for business in the future.

Self Introduction
1st Job
2nd Job
Abilities from experience
What is sustainable development?

positive attitude / good at working in a team / very organised and strong time management skills / people management skills

comm you nist  you th  leeg


mature < > immature (adj)
mature (v)