F2F Class Notes 17th October (Raph)

Stuffed Animal (n): 1- toy is a toy sewn from a textile, and stuffed with a soft material. In North American English they are variously referred to as plush toys, plushies, snuggies, stuffies, snuggled animals or stuffed animals while in British English they are soft toys or cuddly toys.
E.g.: Miya has a green dinosaur stuffed animal.

Crave (v): 1- to have a very strong desire for (something)
E.g.: Like many celebrities, he craves attention.

Overdose (n): 1- an amount of a drug or medicine that is too much and usually dangerous
E.g.: She died from a cocaine overdose.

Enable (v):  1-  to make (someone or something) able to do or to be something. 2-  to make (something) possible, practical, or easy
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