F2f Class Notes 17th March (Rab)

To describe a word – the word “hat” starts with “H” and has three letters in total also it is a noun
To describe an object (thing) – a hat is an o ject that you wear on your head to keep warm

Ex. I describe myself as a quiet person
Ex. He describes his dog as a smart pet
Ex. They describe this accident as a horrible misunderstanding

Loud – a big sound 
Quiet – a small sound

A letter – a, b, c, d, e
In Chinese we call them characters but in English we call them letters

Alphabet – is all 26 letters from A to Z
A B C D …etc

What do you know about being homeless?
some beggars usually don’t have a home
– some people who don’t have a home can rent apartments

What do you know about being an actor?

Population – an amount of people, the people in one place such as a country
Ex. The population of Britain is 60 million
Ex. The population of shanghai is about 25 million

25,000,000 – 25 million

1,000 – 1 thousand, a thousand
10,000 – 10 thousand
100,000 – 100 thousand
1,000,000 – 1 million
10,000,000 – 10 million

Does your city have a large homeless population?