F2F Class Notes 17th March (Joseph)


Minimalist – a type of design that is very simple (e.g. You can see a lot of minimalism in Japan and Nordic countries. In these countries you can find many minimalistic houses.

Antique – very old furniture (e.g. I really like going to antique shops to buy antiques for my home.)

TV stand – what you can put your television on (e.g. Today I went to Muji to buy a TV stand and some other bits and bobs.)

Nordic (countries) – countries in the North of Europe i.e. Denmark, Norway, Finland… (e.g. Nordic countries are usually cold and speak a similar language.)

Premier – the first day something is released (e.g. Yesterday I went to the cinema to see the premier of Beauty and the Beast.)


Furniture (fur-ni-cher)

Minimalist (mini-ma-list) (n)

Minimalistic (mini-ma-li-stick) (adj)

Minimalism (mini-ma-li-sm) (n)

Antique (an-teek)

Speaking exercise


I have 3 good friends, last night I invited one of them to go to the cinema with me this morning. I booked the tickets online in advance. We haven’t met for 2 months because she is currently pregnant, so when I saw her this morning I was surprised because she is fatter than the last time we met. I thought this was funny but she didn’t care at all. I was on-time today so she gifted me a cup of yogurt as she knew I never usually have breakfast. There is something wrong with my stomach. This morning we watched the premier of The Beauty and the Beast. It was a long film, more than 2 hours but we both enjoyed it because the film was so wonderful. The actors, actresses and the music were all amazing. After we finished watching the film we went to a Thai restaurant to have lunch together. We both like Thai food very much, she ate a lot. I think that after two months when I see her again, she will probably be fatter. I hope she will always be happy and healthy.


I have 3 good friends, last night I invited one of them to go to the cinema with me this morning. I booked the tickets online in advance. The film started at 10:50. We haven’t met for 2 months because she is pregnant, so when I saw her this morning I was surprised that she is fatter than before I laughed but she didn’t care at all. I was on-time today so she awarded me a cup of yogurt as she new I always never have breakfast. Does something wrong with my stomach. She often remembered. Today the film is Beauty and the Beast, this is the premier. It was a long film, more than 2 hours but we both enjoyed it because the film was so wonderful. The movie stars and the music were amazing. After we finished watching the film we went to a Thai restaurant to have lunch together. We all like Thai food very much, she ate a lot again. I think maybe after two months when I see her she must be get much fatter. I hope her always happy and healthy.