F2F Class Notes 17th December (Tanya)


glacier – a mountain of ice

e.g. Otzi the Iceman was found in a glacier, hidden underneath all the ice.

research – 研究

fur – animal hair

feathers – 羽毛

e.g. Bears and cats have fur while birds have feathers.

a century, two centuries – a hundred years, two hundred years

e.g. 1916 was a century ago.

one millenium, two millenia – a thousand years, two thousand years

e.g. 1016 was a millenium ago.

to ache – to hurt

e.g. My belly aches because I ate too much.

dental – anything that has to do with your teeth

e.g. Dental problems means that Otzi the Iceman has problems with his teeth.


How is that going ? – 这个真么样?


scientist – sign tist

covered – covert

idea – ai dee ya

early – erley


disease – dizzies

valuable – val yew abel

accessories – axes  oreese

millenium – mil len ey yum

ache – eyk