F2F Class Notes 17th April (Tanya) [W]
allergies – 过æ•
e.g. I have hay fever, which means I’m allergic to pollen.
baffling – surprising
e.g. Baffling grammar, strange vowels, quirky idioms and so many new words—all of this makes learning a new language hard work.
Hindi –Â one of the languages they speak in India
e.g. Luckily, I didn’t need to learn Hindi, as most people speak English in India.
What do you take away from this article? – What do you remember most/what was most important about this article (for you)?
vowel –Â a, e, i, o, u
e.g. There are five very common vowels in the English language.
hay – dried grass
e.g. Horses eat hay.
lingo (slang) – language
e.g. Learn a new lingo while doing something else.
Writing exercise
Plenty of species are endangered or have already extinguished because of human’s harmful behaviors. There are still many black markets in the world selling and buying different body parts of wild animals, like elephant’s teeth, rhino’s horn, shark’s fin, pangolin’s meat. The losing of those parts are always fatal to animals. But people still choose to make these deals just because their fondness and desire of being healthy. As long as there’s need and that amount of money, there is a market.
For the sake of our earth, we must stop harming other species, or we’ll become the next species which is going to extinguish.
Plenty of species are endangered or have already been extinguished because of human’s harmful behavior. There are still many black markets in the world selling and buying different body parts of wild animals, like elephant teeth, rhino horns, shark fins, pangolin meat. It’s always fatal for animals to lose those parts. But people still choose to make these deals just because of their fondness and desire to be healthy. As long as there’s need and that amount of money, there is a market. For the sake of our earth, we must stop harming other species, or we’ll become the next species to be extinguished.
one elephant
one elephant’s teeth
two elephants
two elephants’ teeth
Write ten lines about the difference’s between Western and Eastern culture.
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