F2F Class Notes 17th April (Tanya) [w]


to bump into – run into someone or to touch someone (full body)

e.g. I accidentally bumped into some old ladies at the vegetable market and they started yelling at me.

purpose – 目的

e.g. What is your purpose in life?

to yell – to loudly say something, usually very bad, 叫

e.g. My mom was really mad when I came home very late yesterday and she started yelling at me.

stereotype – 典型化 something that other people think is very common about a certain group of people

e.g. Examples of stereotypes:

All Americans are overweight.

All French people like cheese and wine.

bossy – like a boss, controlling,

e.g. A stereotype about Shanghainese girls is that they’re bossy.

Shanghainese – from Shanghai, concerning Shanghai

e.g. Jasmine is Shanghainese, she was born and raised in Shanghai.

bias – 偏见

e.g. Some people say that Shanghainese people are biased against people who are not from Shanghai.

first row – 第一排

cutlery – knives and forks

e.g. How can I eat without cutlery?

Writing exercise


I had hot pot with my family yesterday. But if you want have hot pot at home you want prepare food by yourself. So I got up early and went to vegetable market with my mother. You know vegetable market have many old women and you can’t touch and crowd them. If you do that congratulations you have big trouble. They will push you a side,roll they eyes at you and say some bad words. So I just stood a side and saw my mother bargain with vendors. If you meet somebody you know them. That’s the worst part you can’t do anything,have no idea and wait for them talk over. You don’t know how long will they talk maybe a century


I had hot pot with my family yesterday. But if you want to have hot pot at home you have to prepare the food by yourself. So I got up early and went to the vegetable market with my mother. You know vegetable markets have many old women in them and you can’t bump into them. If you do that, congratulations you are in big trouble. They will push you aside, roll their eyes at you and say some bad words. So I just stood aside and watched my mother bargain with vendors. If you meet somebody, you know them. That’s the worst part, you can’t do anything, you have no idea and you have to wait for them to finish talking. You don’t know how long will they talk, maybe a century.


to want – 想要

i have to – 不得不, 肯定需要

to see – without purpose, more like “noticing”

to watch – with purpose, with attention


Write ten lines about your ideal vacation (旅游)

  • Where would you go?
  • What would you do?