F2F Class Notes 17th April (Raph)


Pressure (n): 1- the force you produce when you press something. 2- the act of trying to make someone else do something by arguing, persuading, etc.. 3- a difficult situation that makes you feel worried or unhappy:
E.g.:He put too much pressure on the door handle and it snapped.
E.g.:Teachers are under increasing pressure to work longer hours.
E.g.:She’s got a lot of pressure on her at work just now, so she’s very stressed.

Express (v): 1- to show a feeling, opinion, or fact. 2- Express yourself: to communicate what you think or feel, by speaking or writing, or in some other way.
E.g.: Her eyes expressed deep sadness.
E.g.: I’m afraid I’m not expressing myself very clearly.

Stress (n): 1- great worry caused by a difficult situation, or something that causes this condition:
E.g.: People under a lot of stress may experience headaches, minor pains, and sleeping difficulties.

Caesarean Section / C-Section (n): 1- an operation in which a woman’s uterus is cut open to allow a baby to be born:
E.g.: I tried hard to have a natural delivery, but in the end I had to have a C-section.

Give birth (v): 1- When a woman or female animal gives birth, she produces a baby or young animal from her body:
E.g.: She gave birth to twins.

Deliver (v): 1- to take goods, letters, parcels, etc. to people’s houses or places of work. 2- to give birth to a baby.
E.g.: Mail is delivered to our office twice a day.
E.g.: She delivered her third child at home.

Midwife (n): 1- a person, usually a woman, who is trained to help women when they are giving birth. 2- 助产士
E.g.: She had her baby at home with the help of a midwife.

Suffer (v): 1- to experience physical or mental pain.
E.g.: I think he suffered a lot when his wife left him.

Joint (n): 1- a place in your body where two bones are connected. 2- a marijuana cigarette.
E.g.: As you become older, your joints get stiffer.
E.g.: They were caught by their parents while smoking a joint.

Stiff (adj): 1- firm or hard.
E.g.: His clothes were stiff with dried mud.


I will bored . – I will be bored.


Pressure: /ˈpreʃ.ɚ/

Caesarean: /sɪˈzeə.ri.ən/