F2F Class Notes 17th April (Celeste)***

Next Class: Review they, them, their, us, we, always, and all the time.


departures vs. arrivals

drop off area/zone – area to let sb out of a car

pick up area/zone – area to put sb in a car

waiting area / lobby – place to wait

loading zone – area to park your truck or car to load a lot of equipment/boxes

safe – adj

eg. He is a safe driver.

safely – adv

eg. The driver drove safely. / The driver safely drove.

announce / announcing / announced (-t) / will announce 

eg. When I announced to my friends that I was moving to Shanghai my friend bought me this book.

obligatory adj-  required as a matter of obligation; mandatory


I picked them up yesterday to the airport. – I picked them up yesterday at/from the airport.

he spend all the time / he spend always their vacation in Portugal – He always spends their vacation in Portugal.

They always communicate/speak/talk in English.