F2F Class Notes (Tanya)


trend – a prevailing or popular tendency

e.g. A popular trend in fashion right now is wearing jeans.

sprawling – spread-out

e.g. How could you possibly explain such a big and sprawling topic such as China in an hour ?

reliable – something you can count on (adjective)

e.g. Generally, moms are very reliable.


Image result for trenches


I will have fired you by tomorrow morning. (time limitation, before tomorrow morning_

I will fire you! (no time limitation, tomorrow or sixty years from now)

You will have seen the results by tomorrow morning.

You will have seen the results.

You will have been seeing her by next year.

The weather is good.

The weather is getting better.

This weather is best.

good – better (comparative) – best (superlative)

I haven’t seen you in a long time.

Long time no see! (expression)


provocative –  prə-ˈvä-kə-tiv \

ridiculous –



equity – ekwiti

automation – .ɔtə’meɪʃ(ə)n