F2F Class Notes 17 Feb (Trista)


The book named China Everyday –

The book is named China Everyday

The book’s name is China Everyday

For foreigner, for westerner – foreigners/ westerners

Whats the book people are interest –

What book will people be interested in?

What subject will people want to read a book about?

I write it and took a lot of photo

I wrote it and took a lot of photos

I feel some difficult –

Its difficult for me to choose a restaurant.

I have difficulty choosing a restaurant.

I saw Grammy last night

I saw the Grammys last night

Only use the simple word –

Only use simple words

I am making decision I think –

I am still making a decision

I haven’t decided yet.

Catch-22 – a no-win situation / “a dilemma or difficult circumstance from which there is no escape because of mutually conflicting or dependent conditions”

They tell you to do well on your English test for the college entrance exam, but it you do too well, you don’t have to take any English classes in college and therefore won’t improve. It’s a catch-22.

Passive < > Aggressive


Passive – don’t let things get under your skin (don’t let things irritate you) / don’t deal with things directly / do something indirectly / mild

Michael has a passive personally as he often make decision difficultly.

Michael has a passive personality as it’s often difficult for him to make decisions.


Aggressive – forward/ go for what they want/ very direct / pushy / sometimes rude

The new New Yorker is more aggressive than tradition New Yorker.

People who are new to New York are sometimes more aggressive than traditional New Yorkers.

Valid – true / reasonable – points/ reasons/ ideas/ arguments/ comments

I often have valid points on people.

I often have/make valid points about people.

After I graduate I am a master…

After I graduated with my Master’s degree…