F2F Class Notes 16th September (Celeste)

small talk = daily talk

yu nai – taro root

mao dou – soy beans


They have the Christmas Eve. They celebrate the christmas Eve. Jay wanted to celebrate the CE like old times they used to. Manny and Gloria want to celebrate like they used to do in Columbia. Claire’s family found a cigarette burn on their couch and they want to know which kid has did it. But, none of their kids admit it. So, Claire and Phil wants to punish them by canceling christmas. Finally, Alex said she did it so they bring back the Christmas tree and Christmas. The next morning they found out the burn is come from the ray of sun through the window and Jay finally makes some Columbian traditions in their Christmas celebration.


They celebrated Christmas Eve. Jay wanted to celebrate CE like they used to in the old times. Manny and Gloria wanted to celebrate like they used to do in Columbia. Claire’s family found a cigarette burn on their couch and they wanted to know which kid did it. But, none of their kids admitted to it. So, Claire and Phil wanted to punish them by canceling Christmas. Finally, Alex said she did it so Claire and Phil brought back their Christmas tree and Christmas. The next morning they found out the burn came from a ray of sun through the window. Jay finally mixed some Columbian traditions in his family Christmas celebration.