F2F Class Notes 16th November (Jesse)
1- talk about the biggest things in the picture first / most important
family , place, doing what?
In this picture we can see… (using doing words)
2- talk about other things in the picture, where are they?
lake, trees, car
at the front of the picture / at the back of the picture / in the middle of the picture / next to the ____ there is a ____.
3- talk about each thing in the picture, what is happening?
dad cutting food for daughter, daughter waiting for father, mother helping son, son taking plate from mother, dog playing with butterfly, car sitting by the lake.
always use “doing” words
Do you have a pet?
No I don’t have a pet at the moment because my mom doesn’t like pets. But I like them because I think they are cute and I hope I can have a pet rabbit, and I will name it “cute” because I think it is cute.
I think taking care of a pet is easy because i like animals and if you enjoy something, then it’s easy to do.
My friend has a pet cat named “Jesse” and he is 2 years old and is very funny because he always meows when he is hungry, which I think is strange.
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