F2F Class Notes 16th June (Daniel)
Bench player/ bench warmer
Sixth man
Bench warmer
A bunch of people
Show off
Driven- high motivation
What are your strengths?
You should be able to list 3 or 4 of your key strengths that are
relevant to their needs, based on the research and other data you have
gathered about their company.
4. How successful have you been so far?
Be prepared to define success for yourself and then respond. Try to
choose accomplishments that relate to the company’s needs and values.
5. What are your limitations?
Respond with a strength which, if overdone, can be a detriment and
become a weakness. For example, you might. say, “My desire to get the
job done sometimes causes me to be overzealous and demanding of my
organization. But I am aware of this problem and believe that I have
it under control.” Or deal with your need for further training in some
aspect of your profession. Do not claim to be faultless, but limit
your answer to one specific issue.
6. How much are you worth?
Try to delay answering this until you have learned more about the job
and can estimate, based on previous research, the salary range this
company endorses for similar positions. If you feel obliged to answer,
you might reply in this way. “You are aware of what I have been
earning at Ajax, and I would hope that coming to Acme would be a
progressive step. Perhaps, we can go into this question in more depth
when have a better idea of what the job responsibilities and scope
would be.
7. What are your ambitions for the future?
Indicate your desire to concentrate on doing the immediate job well –
and your confidence that the future will then be promising. You do not
want to convey that you have no desire to progress, but you need to
avoid statements that are unrealistic, or that might threaten present
8. What do you know about our company?
You’ve done your homework, and have studied all that is publicly
available about Acme and are thus aware of many published facts.
However, you might state that you would like to know more; then be
prepared to ask intelligent questions. Avoid a recitation of the
facts, incorporate personal remarks and specific questions to
facilitate a lively exchange of information.
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