F2F Class Notes 16th July (Jesse)

i should thank you for letting me come early 


my brother like bicycles – likes

Navy – hai zhun

he will come back in 40 days for 2 years

bully (n / v)
eg. i used to bully him and he would call me a bully

i just talked with her on wechat. She told me you and rab are her favourite teachers at SE. I also think you are best teacher in SE and i also like Rab but I have only had 2 of his classes. she told me she likes to watch tv, go shopping, and read. She recommended me a korean tv show called “please ask 1994”. i watched the first episode and it was very funny.

nine teen nine tee four

contact – wechat picture / name

He / she / it – does
i / we / they – do

she / he

past grammar