F2F Class Notes 16th January (Celeste)***


Listen to the recording on your phone 2-3 times. Practice the pronunciation.


it is tiring (describe sth) / i am tired (feeling)

eg. I’m very tired because I had a bad dream/nightmare.

eg. The story is very tiring.

I’m bored because we need to work for a long time.

My work is my love.

I go home take the subway. – When I go home, I take the subway.

I always go to my boyfriend’s school.

It’s a long journey which is interesting.


Usually I went to do yoga and reading some books and eat some food in Shanghai. Usually I go do yoga, read some books, and eat some food.


Usually ( U- zhull –  lee )

in – touch the top of your mouth with the tip of your mouth behind your teeth

will ***LL

topics ( taw – piks  )

Writing exercise

My name is Stella, I work in the financial market department.
I’ve worked here for 4 years.
I might want to find another company to work for.
I think English will help me do that.
I would like to talk about some normal life topics, for example food, travel, chat, news and about my job.
I think my writing is better than my speaking. So I want more chances to speak.
I want my help with my pronunciation, I don’t have confidence in it.


My name is Stella, I work in the financial market department.
I’ve worked here in Jing’an District for 1 year and I’ve worked in the financial market department for a total of 4 years.
I might want to find another company to work for.
I think English will help me do that.
I would like to talk about some daily life topics, for example food, travel, chat, news and about my job.
I think my writing is better than my speaking. So I want more chances to speak.
I want help with my pronunciation, I don’t have confidence in it.