F2f Class Notes 16th February (Rab)
Entry level – beginner
Harry potter and the philosophers stone – an entry level book
The fix man – the repair man
Dialect – a regional language related to the language of the country but not necessarily the same – shanghainese (dialect) and putonghua (national language)
Ex. When I go home I speak in my dialect
Ex. There are many dialects in China but most people also speak putonghua
Ex. If you want to know this country better you must learn some dialects
For instance – as an example/for example
Ex. For instance when we get an order we reply quickly
Ex. For example we have many orders to reply to
Tricky – difficult. – trick
Ex. These puzzles are tricky
Ex. Talking to people in English who’s first language is not English can be tricky as both participants are often making mistakes
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