F2F Class Notes 16th December (Tony)
my client got angry with me
I just took over
They just changed with our boss, but not officially
a British company responded to us
they wanted to discontinue one character
her position is higher than mine
I don’t know if they are unhappy
they also have a factory in Britain
dilemma – a situation where there is no solution, don’t know which one to choose
eg: “Artists often have the dilemma of selling work that is not their best, but the client prefers it.”
budge – to move slightly or change your opinion, even a little bit
eg: “He won’t budge an inch on the issue.”
dropped the ball – to make a mistake that affects the group
eg: “It sounds like a few people dropped the ball and made the situation very complicated.” “They never gave me the ball, I never even saw it.”
put your foot down – to not change your mind
eg: “I’m putting my foot down, no more free lunches at work!”
stern – serious and calm
eg: “He sternly refused their request.”
Pets rock- PetS (wait) Rock
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