F2F Class Notes 16th December (Tanya)


lucrative – it earns good money, it’s lucrative

e.g. Working in investment banking is very lucrative.

Belgium – 比利时

e.g. Tanya is from Belgium.

underlying – something you can’t see at first sight because it’s hidden underneath something else

e.g. A lot of people have an underlying reason for why they want to do something.

dialect – local language that has different accents and words from the main “official” language

e.g. Shanghainese is a dialect.

It’s a shame – it’s sad and a little bit embarrassing

It’s a pity – it’s sad and a little bit disappointing

accurate – correct

e.g. It’s not always accurate to translate Chinese to English literally.

to avenge –  to get revenge for someone, to avenge someone

e.g. They killed my dad so I’m going to kill them, to avenge my dad.


It’s a little bit bored – It’s a little bit boring  (things can’t be bored)

Reading more books about financial – Reading more books about finance  

I need talk English with them – I need to speak English with them

You can’t realize anything about math – You can’t understand anything that has to do with math

I have plans to go there two years later – I have plans to go there in two years

They have fun of me because I can’t speak it – They make fun of me because I can’t speak it


lucrative – lew kra tif


Finance – noun. Refers to the finance industry

Financial – adjective. Something is financial. This is a book about finance, it’s a financial book


Watch an episode of Game of Thrones and Westworld and discuss said episode