F2F Class Notes 16th December (Raph)


Lead (v): 1- to guide on a way, especially by going in advance. 2- to give a direction.
E.g.: What led you to start working at L’Oréal?

Bilingual (adj): 1- a person who speaks two languages.
E.g.: He is bilingual in English and Japanese.

Carpentry (n): 1- the art of working with wood (making furniture, decoration, etc.)
E.g.: He learned carpentry from his father.

Slum (v): 1- a urban area that’s full of poverty and very disorganized.
E.g.: He grew up in the slums of India.

Orphanage (n): 1- a place where orphans (children who have no parents) live.
E.g.: After the death of his parents, he was raised in an orphanage.


(Original – Edited)

My current work don’t have much relation with my major. – My current work doesn’t have much relation with my major.