F2F class notes 16th August (Ben)

the driver told everybody TO get off

We waited for the next bus between 2 stops.

She waved to the driver FROM the middle of the road then we could get on the bus again.

The driver drove his bus away.

The bus was damaged.

He just dropped off the passengers halfway (between the two stops).

In my understanding,


He could have/ should have /would have — used for regrets 后悔

He should have called the driver of the next bus. It would have been better.

Have you faced…

1. this kind of problems?

 2. such problems?

Problems involving danger

Have you faced such problems involving danger?

accident 事故 (bigger problem)

incident 发生的事情 (smaller problem)

I didn’t think it was dangerous but I thought it was disorganized. 

I think it came from the electric cables.

Without her, we couldn’t have gotten on the next bus.

It’s fictional 虚拟

will, would, can, could, shall, should, must, might are always followed by the infinitive 不定式

see / saw / have seen

If I see my parents tonight, I will be happy because I can eat with them.  CONDITIONAL

If I saw Xi Jinping tonight, I would be happy because I could eat with him. DREAM

PAST CONDITIONAL (often used for regrets)

If I had seen Xi Jingping last night, I would have been happy because I could have eaten with him.

would have / could have / should have