F2F Class Notes 15th March (Celeste)[W]
turn on the computer = start the computer
re-turn on the computer = restart the computer
re- = do sth again
retype on the computer
reread the story
rewrite the homework
retell the story
replay the piano song
repeat the violin song
Writing exercise
Describe Your Classroom
In my classroom there are two whiteboards, five very big windows, three big tables, and fourteen little chairs. The whiteboards are on the left and right of the classroom. The big windows are next to the whiteboard on the left. The tables and chairs are usually on the right. I usually sit at the table for the right team. Jeff usually sits at the table for the left team. My favorite picture is of my house and Jeff’s house. We drew the picture together. I put my backpack in a shelf that has my name on it. We put our coats in a box next to the door. There are a lot of toys…
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