F2F Class Notes 15th February (Jesse)

play computerplay with the computer / play around on the computer

trial and error = trying and making mistakes

eg. I like to learn through trial and error

throw myself into the deep end – to put yourself in a position that you are unprepared for, to speed up (accelerate) the learning process

eg. I like to throw myself into the deep end

meditation – ming xiang

eg. I basically do meditation every day through my art and just walking around

huh? what? sorry? / I don’t know what you mean exactly

i take a lot of practice – i put a lot of practice into it / i put a lot of work / i practiced a lot 

i have talent on the talent with / in 

we had many lessons in the university I took a lot of lessons at university 

TV stat?station

not like very muchI’m not a big fan of it / It’s not my favourite