F2F Class Notes 15th February (Celeste)***


Write 2 sentences for each vocabulary word below (6). Focus on your grammar.


Satisfaction ( sat – iss – fak – shin ) n.– when you are happy about something

eg. Student satisfaction is important to the yoga studio.

eg. My satisfaction is when someone gives me a flower.

eg. My nephew’s satisfaction is when I take him to go to Disneyland.

eg. I get satisfaction when I know that Suzy understands new vocabulary.

Organise ( Or – gin – eyes )/ organizing / organized / will organize – to organise something is the same as preparing something. To make something neat and tidy.

eg. Celeste is organizing the colored pencils and pens.

eg. Suzy organized the living room yesterday.

Interest  n.– to want to learn more about something

eg. Celeste has an interest in cooking Japanese food.

eg. Someone always asks me, “Why did you become a yoga teacher?” I answer, “because I am interested in yoga.”

Customer/s ( custum – erz )  – someone who pays for a good or service

e.g. There are many foreign customers in my yoga classes.


foreign ( 4 – rin ) – adj

foreigner ( 4 – rin – ner ) – noun