F2F Class Notes 15th August (Celeste)

Video: Magic School Bus Takes a Dive

skeleton – a person or animal’s bones
eg. Jerry has a little skeleton.
eg. The tiger is eating a your skeleton.

partner – 2 people who do things together
eg. We are partners. We study together.

coral reef – where fish live in the ocean
eg. The fish live in the coral reef in the ocean.

octopus – big animal in the ocean with 8 legs
eg. I ate octopus yesterday for dinner. It was disgusting.

crab – small, red animal in the ocean with a hard shell body
eg. You ate crab yesterday for lunch. I think it’s delicious.

many money in a box – treasure chest 

eg. They are looking for a treasure chest.

They are looking for a treasure chest with a treasure map.

air tank – a metal tank with air inside to help people breathe under water

Pollution from the oil from the oil station killed the animals and the reef.