F2F Class Notes 15th April (Tony)
scary – rang ni hai pa, make you scared.
eg: I’m scared, because this movie is too scary.
eg: Snakes are scary.
storm – bad weather, with rain, strong wind, Thunder(sound) and Lightning(electricity)
eg: That was a scary storm.
merge – two things come together to become one thing.
eg: Those two companies merged, now they are a very big company.
acupuncture – putting small needles into the skin for your health
eg: No I haven’t tried acupuncture.
How are you doing today? what
I’m fine.
What are you doing today? (probably all the things you will do today)
I’m going to Zhongshan park
What do you wanna do today? (asking what you want to do)
I want to go to Zhongshan Park.
1 mouse
2 mice, 3 mice
Q: What is the scariest thing that ever happened to you?
A: The storm is let me scared. The storm made me scared.
eg: That storm was the scariest thing that ever happened to me.
A: The scariest thing that ever happened to me, was my boss getting mad at me.
Q: Do you know any companies that broke up?
eg: CapitalLand company broke up and formed Capital Land and Cloud9. Now they are two different companies.
A: Yes, I know CapitalLand and Cloud9 shopping mall were one company before, but it broke up.
Q: Do you think acupuncture would hurt?
A: I think acupuncture would hurt, because I don’t like it.
acupuncture – Ah kyoo peng’K Cher
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