F2F Class Notes


scared – afraid, 害怕

e.g. I like watching horror movies because I like being scared.

e.g. Cheryl is scared of becoming bald.

to be bald – to have no hair on your head

e.g. A lot of older men are bald.

library – a place with a lot of books where you can also borrow books

e.g. I borrowed a lot of interesting books from the library today!

rating – 评价, a score given to something that says how good or bad something is

e.g. I always check the product rating on Taobao.

to rate – to judge something, to give a rating

e.g. My friend is a movie reviewer, he rates movies for a living.


Image result for wig

strategy – a plan that’s made so you can achieve your goal

e.g. Cheryl’s goal is to learn perfect English and her strategy is to go to class every day.


Write out three goals that you have + strategies to achieve them