F2F Class Notes 14th March (Jesse)***


made a typo
eg. It was just a typo

there are a lot of companies they have a lot of money there are a lot of companies that have a lot of money

I have a friend. He has money.

real properties  real estate
eg. I want to invest in some real estate in Australia

establish – “STAB”

assimilate – to make a foreigner accept and follow the country’s culture
eg. some people from the middle east don’t assimilate into the australian culture

Writing exercise

Upgrading of vocabulary

Recently / in the past week , a video / footage / a clip about a 17-year-old male passenger / a male commuter in his late teens on the subway verbally abusing / in a verbal altercation with two young women went viral. The two girls / the duo tried to convince / get / persuade him to scan a QR code on / via Wechat. The police later found / realised / discovered the youth was involved.

Of course / Obviously / Clearly the behavior of the youth was inappropriate and rude / out of line / uncalled for / impolite. He apologized / he offered his apologies later but the behavior / actions of the two girls was also very problematic. If you have ever taken the metro in Shanghai, you have probably met some people like this. Some of them may be trying to promote a startup, but some of them are actually part of a scam. If you scan the code as they ask, later maybe your personal information will be illegally used by a criminal group.

The subway is part of the public transport system and the regulations prohibit people from begging or conducting commercial activities. Promotions like the one conducted by the two girls should be regulated as well. Even though sometimes they just want to promote the startup, it can also constitute harassment of passengers.


measures – pr – “zhee