F2F Class Notes 14th December (Celeste)


My mom has one. My car have one and I have one. – My mom has one. My car has one and I have one.

Mom don’t let me to take it now. – Mom doesn’t let me take it now. 


I punch my brother. I punch not nice people.

Yao Yao gave me a tiara at school at noon this Monday.

Jeff doesn’t want to marry Michelle so he doesn’t need to get an engagement ring from Santa Claus.

Jeff wants to marry Michelle so he has to get an engagement ring from Santa Claus.

Bees carry pollen which feels like dust.

a beekeeper is a person who has bees and beehives.

It is a huge, cute elephant

Michelle and Celeste went to the Shanghai Zoo in the springtime in April in the afternoon where they saw a beautiful, huge, grey elephant eating flowers and bananas near the lions.

Dear Santa Claus,

I was a good and nice girl this year.

I listened to my parents, and I did everything they asked me to do. For example, when my mom and dad ask me to take a bath, I always do it. Please bring my mommy and daddy paint so that they can paint a princess and prince.

I was a good sister to my brothers, Richard and Steven.  For example, I helped Steven do his homework but I didn’t help Richard because he is older. Please bring my brothers a box of crayons so that they can color a picture of Jeff and me. 

I was a good girlfriend to Jeff. For example, I hug him when he is being silly and happy. Also, I gave him the biggest sticker in the world. Please bring Jeff an engagement ring to give to me. 

I was a good friend to Yao Yao. For example, I gave her the second biggest sticker in the world because she is my second best friend. Please bring Yao Yao a tiara, too.

I  have been a good student, I finish all of my homework in time, and all of  the Smart English teachers think I am very cute and smart.

Please bring Judy a tiara because she is married.

Please bring Jesse a crown because he is married.

And dear Santa Claus, please bring Celeste and Raphael a bottle of water because they are thirsty.

Also, please bring all of the people in the world a trash can because they chew gum and then they can spit their gum in the trash can. 

So I am asking you, Santa Claus, to  bring  me  some coca cola and French fries to drink and eat.

Thank  you,  Santa  Claus,

Michelle Â