F2F Class Notes 14th August (Ben)

How long = FOR two hours

How often = everyday

How long did you play together?

We played together for two hours.

Didn’t you have things to do? 你没有事要作吗?

NO, I didn’t.

Yesterday, I studied English for forty minutes.

Yesterday, I had class for forty minutes.

No, I didn’t study English at home.

Don’t you like grapes?

No, I don’t like them. / Yes, I like them.

Are you? –> No, I am not.

Are you on a diet now? –> No, I’m not on a diet now.

DON’T 只适合动词 I don’t speak English, I don’t like you, I don’t want to go to America. I don’t go running very often. If I don’t see my girlfriend, I will be sad. I don’t get late often. I don’t have money.

AM NOT 适合其他的情况 :

名词: I am not a teacher, I am not a football fan

形容词: I am not small, I am not late often, I am not crazy about sports. I am not interested in Korean. (被动的动词有形容词的行为)

名字: I am not John, I am not Jessica.

其他: I am not from Japan. I am not with my father, I am outside. I am in Shanghai. I am at work. I am not on a chair. I am not on a diet.

正在试: I am not working. I am not running. I am not standing.

I am tall –> I am tall TOO.

I am not tall –> I am not tall EITHER

late = 形容词 I am not often late

get late = 动词 I don’t often get late.

Do you often/ever go shopping at the weekend?

I _________ go shopping at the weekend

  1. always
  2. often = regularly
  3. sometimes = occasionally
  4. seldom = hardly ever
  5. never

go abroad = 去海外,去外国

a concert = 音乐会

Aren’t you interested in concerts?

No, I am not.

I am out of grapes. = 葡萄没有了

我没有 I DON’T have questions = I don’t have any question.