F2F Class Notes 14th April (Jesse)


Write about a bad experience you had, that your friend / family member has also had. Tell me how much time separated those 2 experiences.


is 1-on-1 less pay than group? yes group is more than 1-on-1.


I ate / I went / I did
eat / ate / eaten / eating
have eaten

I do / I eat
I did / I ate
I have done / I have eaten
I am doing / I am eating

At 2 PM I eat every day.

It is 3pm. So Amy asks Jesse “Did you eat today at 2pm?”, Jesse says “Yes I did eat”
It is 3pm. So Amy asks Jesse “Have you eaten yet?”, Jesse says “Yes I have, I ate at 2pm”

Experience / any past time
have you been to Australia?

Specific time in the past (te ding) 
did you go to Australia?

Yesterday was Amy’s birthday.
Did you have a good birthday yesterday?
Yes I did, it was so much fun.

Did you have fun last night?

Amy told Jesse she would go to Australia next week
After 2 weeks. Jesse asks Amy “so, did you go to Australia, or not?”

I have been to France and Germany once. My husband had lived in Germany for 20 years before I went there (in 2016).

Last night was fun.
it was fun.