F2F Class Notes 14th April (Celeste)

take a number – if there are a lot of people waiting for something, people can take a number

ex: Wow! The line is so long, let’s take a number and wait for our number to be called.

In foreign countries, always dentist has a clinic. – In foreign countries, dentists always work at a clinic.

private practice/office – dentists/doctors can have their own office, the people who go here are regular patients

ex: Celeste’s mom is a dentist. She has her own private practice.

clinic – anyone can go, usually many doctors are on staff and on a rotation schedule

ex: People go to a medical clinic if their doctor doesn’t have any available appointements.

hospital – where people should go when there is a medical emergency

ex: Jesse went to the hospital when he cut his finger.

pay out of pocket – paying for something with your own money

ex: When we go to the hospital, sometimes we need to pay the fees out of pocket then the insurance will reimburse us.

reimburse (verb) / reimbursement (noun)  – pay back

ex: My friend helps me to buy trousers, so I should reimburse her.

ex: Celeste reimbursed Judy for the Taobao shopping.

ex: The insurance company needs to do a reimbursement, so Angela can get her money back.

ex: Can you fill out the reimbursement claim/document/file?

fill in/out – complete a form

ex: fill in the blanks

ex: fill out the document

She asked whether or not Howie is going to school tomorrow. = She asked if How is going to school tomorrow.

They get/have/receive insurance from the company.  = They are covered from the company.

When we have insurance, we are covered.

ex: Howie is covered.

ex: Are you covered?

cover – pay (get)

ex: Can you cover this bill? I’ll get the next one.

ex: Can you cover it?

ex: Can you get this one?

birth marks – marks on the skin  since birth

ex: I have a small birth mark on my arm.

anaesthesia (put to sleep) –  to give gases or inject drugs in order to not feel pain during surgeries and operations

ex: The doctor will give me anesthesia before the surgery.

ex: The dentist put me to sleep when I had my teeth removed.