F2F Class Notes 13th October (Raph)

Brand (n): 1- a type of product manufactured by a particular company under a particular name.
E.g.: My favorite clothing brand is Valentino.

Graduate (v): 1- to finish a course in school, such as university, high school, etc.
E.g.: After he graduated from university, he got a great job at an international company.

Affordable (adj): 1- something that many people can buy.
E.g.: Valentino is not an affordable brand.


Verb: a word that is usually one of the main parts of a sentence and that expresses an action, an occurrence, or a state of being.
E.g.: to afford, to do, to go, to draw, to run, to study, to swim, to like, to be, etc..

Noun: a name of a person, a thing, a place, an animal, etc..
E.g.: Shanghai, China, Penny, chair, door, school, street, table, dog, fan, computer, etc..

Pronoun: a word that is used instead of a noun or noun phrase.
E.g.: I, he, she, you, it, we, they, me, mine, myself, her, hers, herself, us, ours, ourselves, etc.

Adjective: a word that describes a noun or a pronoun.
E.g.: beautiful, affordable, clever, big, small, great, sad, happy, ugly, heavy, etc.

Adverb: an adverb is a word that changes the meaning of another word (a verb, adjective, noun or another adverb) and answer one of the following questions:

  • HOW
    easily, happily loudly, quietly, slowly, silently, sadly, quickly, nicely, well, etc.
    everyday, always, frequently, never, often, once, seldom, sometimes, etc.
  • WHEN
    E.g.: now, early, late, before, after, since, soon, today, yesterday, etc.
    E.g.: away, here, there, home, everywhere, outside, inside, etc.

Q: How have you been?
A: I’ve been ________, thanks.
E.g.: good, pretty good, great, busy, bored, etc.

Sewing (so-wing)