F2F Class Notes 13th May (Celeste)
one six
you can cut it into 6 pieces
First you should cut it into 6 pieces then put one piece in hot water
you can cut it 3 times to get 6 pieces, then you can put one-sixth (1/6) in hot water
then > th N
end > N d
access level
excuse level
exercise level
I practiced saying ‘level’
today I practiced saying ‘level’
One day this week I practiced saying ‘level’
skull, pull, pull, dull, lull
lullaby ( lull uh bye ) – baby’s songs
she sings a lullaby to her baby before bed
asked > askt
bbq ( we can write this) > barbeque (we need to say this)
This morning, my friend invited me to go to his home for a barbeque tomorrow.
he lives in songjia
dog – please remember to open your mouth more
he /she /it + verb + s
he dances
she eats
it talks
it loves
he hates
she writes
his / her /its subject
his dog
her cat
its nose
his house
her car
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