F2F Class Notes 13th January (Cricket)


criminal: a person who has committed a crime

Did they catch the criminal who robbed the bank?

jealous: an emotion- feeling resentment of someone else’s success

I’m jealous you have such a big family. Holidays must be so fun.

I was jealous when I saw my girlfriend talking to another guy.

mardi gras– a carnival held in some countries on fat tuesday- Famous in New Orleans


Two weeks later I will go for- In two weeks I will leave

eg. When will we get paid? In two weeks.

I had been. I have been there before.

I have get used to the food. I have gotten used to the food.

who has done some crime The machine can tell who is a criminal. Or who has committed a crime.


Make sure to pronounce the “r”in heard

There sound like it started with a “d”