F2F Class Notes 13th January (Celeste)[W]***


Review the previous 2 pages and this page below. Find 8 new words, write the meaning and 1 long example sentence. Remember to ask yourself, ā€œwhy?ā€ Upload your writing in your next class.

Writing exercise

I didnā€™t know what ā€œdealerā€ meant. It means a seller. For example,I want to buy a new car so I sell the car to a dealer.
I didnā€™t know what ā€œseemedā€ meant. It means look like. For example, her daughter will move to another country for a long time by herself.So she seems very worried.
I didnā€™t know what ā€œsawmillā€ meant. It means a mill for dressing logs and lumber. For example,he gets a job at the sawmill and that job is not easy,it makes him so tired.
I didnā€™t know what ā€œignorantā€ meant. It means silly. For example, some people don’t like to ask questions because they’re afraid of they appearing their ignorant.
I didnā€™t know what ā€œtwitā€ meant. It means someone who is very stupid. For example, in the school, everybody called him”a lying little twit”. So nobody would like to play with him.
I didnā€™t know what ā€œdelicateā€ meant. It means easily hurt. For example, these mugs are so delicate so you should put them careful.
I didnā€™t know what ā€œgearā€ meant. It means equipment . For example, this large gear turns the small gear rotate quickly
I didnā€™t know what ā€œgrinningā€ meant. It means smile broadly so as to show the teeth. For example, ā€œPlease listen to me to talk about this story, that’s so funnyā€He says grinning.


I didnā€™t know what ā€œdealerā€ meant. It means a seller. For example, I want to buy a new car so I will sell my old car to a dealer.
I didnā€™t know what ā€œseemedā€ meant. It means looks like. For example, her daughter will move to another country for a long time by herself. So she seems very worried.
I didnā€™t know what ā€œsawmillā€ meant. It means a mill for dressing logs and lumber. For example, he gets a job at the sawmill and that job is not easy, it makes him so tired.
I didnā€™t know what ā€œignorantā€ meant. It means silly. For example, some people don’t like to ask questions because they’re afraid of appearingĀ ignorant.
I didnā€™t know what ā€œtwitā€ meant. It means someone who is very stupid. For example, in the school, everybody called him”a lying little twit”. So nobody would like to play with him.
I didnā€™t know what ā€œdelicateā€ meant. It means easily hurt. For example, these mugs are so delicate so you should put them carefully.
I didnā€™t know what ā€œgearā€ meant. It means equipment. For example, this large gear turns the small gear to rotate quickly.
I didnā€™t know what ā€œgrinningā€ meant. It means smile broadly so as to show the teeth. For example, ā€œPlease listen to me as I tell this story, it’s so funny,” he says grinning.


Some glasses are delicate.

Matilda’s dad had an ugly mustache on his upper lip.


word vs. world (were – ull – d )

delicate ( del – li – kit )

dishonest ( diss – on – nist )

mustache ( mus – stash )