F2F Class Notes 13th January (Celeste)


Will you please check “ring” on Bing images?

Please scroll down.


cookie crumbs ( crums ) – little pieces of cookie that fall off

eg. I got cookie crumbs in Celeste’s book.

wok – big pan for cooking

eg. I have a wok in my kitchen.

soy sauce – dark, salty sauce used for cooking

eg. I like soy sauce on my rice.

emperor – king of China

eg. My dad is an emperor.


Rabbits are selfless, neat and tidy, and get along well with their brothers and sisters. Rabbits lead the good life and are the most fortunate of all animals. Rabbits live by the Golden Rule and wouldn’t think of breaking it. You are well suited as a banker, lawyer, interior designer, or video-game player.

Speaking exercise


What do you want to do for Chinese New Year (CNY) with your family and friends?

Chinese New Year’s Eve is on January 27th, 2017. CNY is on January 28th. For CNY I want to play football in the park with Jeff and Yao Yao. I also want to skateboard at the park and I want to surf in the ocean on my pink surfboard. I will play with my trains with my grandmother and grandfather. I want to eat fried rice, watermelon, strawberry jam and drink strawberry milkshakes and grapefruit juice. Richard will give me a necklace and I will give him a new book.

What did you do for your wedding?

I got married to Jeff last night at my kindergarten. I got a ring but it’s too big. My parents and Jeff’s parents attended our wedding.  I ate a strawberry ice cream.  Jeff ate a chocolate ice cream. Now, Jeff and his family are going to live with me and my family. Jeff and I will sleep together in my bed at my house just like my mom and dad and his mom and dad. That’s what married couples do.