F2F Class Notes 13th December (Tanya)


Immune – resistant to disease

e.g. A lot of people get flu shots in order to be immune to the flu.

To procrastinate – to always postpone things, to always leave things to the last possible moment

e.g. Lina procrastinates making her portfolio a lot.

Subtitles – transcripts of what’s being said on screen, sometimes translated

e.g. It’s easier to watch the Big Bang Theory with Chinese subtitles.

To be productive – to do something useful

e.g. I slept the entire day, I haven’t been very productive.

To lose track of time – to forget about the time

e.g. Whenever Tanya starts reading a book, she gets lost in it and loses track of time.


Sorcerer – someone who can do magic

e.g. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is a book about sorcerers, witches and wizards.


Witch or wizard – also people who can do magic. Witch is used for women and wizard is used for men.

e.g. Harry Potter is a wizard and Hermione is a witch.


beefy – fat, to have a lot of meat on your bones

e.g. A lot of people get beefier as they get older.

mustache – facial hair on top of a guy’s lip

e.g. A lot of girls like mustaches on men.

subtle (a) – not obvious

e.g. I got a haircut today, but nobody could tell, so I guess it was very subtle.

Pork – pig’s meat

Beef –  cow’s meat

Poultry – chicken’s meat


It has two type of subtitles – It has two types of subtitles